You Wait, You Lose

Tickety Boo has worked on many projects.

From new website builds to new SaaS platforms. 

Some have been very successful, and others, like this story not so good.

One of the critical failures of truly great projects is perfection and not waiting to get perfect before launch.


Let me explain.

Many years ago, one company came up with a low-energy light bulb that was both low energy and produced the same amount of lumens.

Yes, it was a while ago.

You will never have heard of them because they never got to launch.

They created a prototype but then saw how it could be improved and made better.

They then created a new prototype, but it would be even better if we did this! And so on.

They kept doing this for so long that Phillips launched their low-energy product one day, which killed their business.

If they had launched their first light bulb, they would have been 9 months ahead of Philips.


Getting it out in the marketplace is better than waiting for perfection.


Your Marketing

It is also true for advertising and websites.

If you wait for every word to be correct, each image to be perfect, and the function to be spot on, you will miss out on all the opportunities that come while you "fettle" everything.

Your business should get it out there, then update and change things as you grow.

Remember, as a bonus, Google loves change! 

The more you update and change things, the better. 

It is also worth remembering that it will never be perfect.

Your product and services and your client's expectations will change, and you must change with them.

Spend your time working on your business, not every P & Q. 

Your clients will not care!


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