Too Many Leads

When Marketing Goes Too Well

Several years ago, I was employed by a finance company to run a new campaign.

The campaign offered a new personal loan service.

We created the landing page and application form.

We then drafted the Google Ad campaign targeting only a few keywords.

The client would process any applications, so my job was done.

The campaign started Monday at 8 am.

On Wednesday at 3 pm, the client called to pause the campaign.

When I asked why they paused the campaign, this is what I was told.

"We have too many applications and cannot cope!"

If you cast your net too wide, you can catch more than you need.

It sounds great, but the reverse is true.

The ideal result is getting your ideal clients in the numbers you want them.

You don't want so many responses that you cannot cope, which will inevitably include unsuitable clients.


Marketing Fundamentals


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